Cars, whether driven are parked, are a ubiquitous feature of our public faces. This image is meant to remind us just how ubiquitous.
The photo is one I've edited to block out in black areas of the Downtown Appleton area devoted to ramp or street parking. It comes from applying to the Google Earth image information from the Appleton Downtown Inc. downtown parking map, from my own observation walking around, and from visual inspection of the image to see where cars are parked on the street.
It probably isn't 100% accurate, but I think it is nearly so. In particular, I don't think I've included all the on street parking. I'll be glad to include corrections in a revised version.
The purpose of the image is just to point out how much real estate is devoted to the temporary storage of personal automobiles -- a fact which is a sort of "elephant in the room." something screamingly obvious which no one ever wants to mention.
You can see a larger version by clicking on the image as it appears at: in Google+:
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